In 1899 the ICW (International Council of Women) invites Austrian Women's Associations to unite in a National Council and subsequently to join the ICW. Marianne Hainisch is chosen to attend the Second Quinquennial Council Meeting held in London, where she is elected Honorary Vice-President.
Overcoming great obstacles set up to oppose collaboration among different nationalities and parties in Austria-Hungary finally nineteen groups join together building the NCW Austria (Bund Österreichischer Frauenvereine).
The Council, at this time consisting of 35 associations, is accepted as a member by the ICW. Marianne Hainisch and Bertha von Suttner speak at the Peace Meeting held on this occasion.
NCW Austria member Bertha von Suttner is the first woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
First statistical monograph on "Schools for Austrian Women".
Bertha von Suttner presents NCW Austria's resolution favouring pacifist aims to the President of the Second Peace Conference at The Hague.
Marianne Hainisch, NCW President, is elected Third Vice-President of the ICW.
ICW Executive Meeting in Innsbruck (Tyrol).
NCW is running four professional orientation offices for young girls in collaboration with the Union of Working Women, with the unpaid collaboration of teachers, women doctors and committee members.
Report on the status of aid to young people and the treatment of juvenile criminals.
Delegates of the ICW Quinquennial Meeting held in Rome visit afterwards Vienna. At the beginning of World War I suggestions for continuing peace efforts as soon as war should end come even from enemy countries.
In spite of strong opposition four Austrian women attend the First International Women's Congress for Peace held in The Hague.
Women’s voting rights in Austria after years of hard work on that issue
A Peace Assembly is held for the first time in Vienna.
Inquiries into a proposed law on protection against venereal diseases on the basis of equal treatment for men and women. The NCW proposes that the Austrian Emigration Service establish contact between international organisations of local women and immigrants. The professional guidance service passes under the administration of the City of Vienna. Detailed report on Austrian school reform with emphasis on the teaching of girls.
Petition on the keeping or re-obtaining of Austrian nationality by Austrian women married to foreigners.
An outstanding event for NCW Austria was the Eight Quinquennial Council Meeting of the ICW in the Vienna Hofburg, of which Lady Aberdeen was President and Marianne Hainisch, then 90 years old, was Honorary President.
(For a larger view, please click on the image.)
NCW Austria's Committee on Public Health reports on the expulsion of non-Austrian prostitutes.
Inquiry made into attitude of the press regarding disarmament and the question of nationality in marriage.
NCW President Marie Hoheisl and Henriette Hainisch represent NCW Austria at the ICW Triennial Meeting in Paris.
After the ICW Triennial Meeting in Dubrovnik delegates meet in Vienna on NCW Austria's invitation. At the suggestion of Lady Aberdeen NCW Austria together with all NCWs sends to the League of Nations a message expressing women's desire for peace and their willingness to collaborate in the work of reconciliation. In Vienna dies the founder of NCW Austria, Marianne Hainisch, then 97 years old.
Due to the political situation NCW Austria and its affiliated member organisations are banned, the Marianne Hainisch Foundation is confiscated.
After the end of World War II a couple of women start re-establishing the Council. Petition for reactivation of NCW Austria to the authorities on January 30.
The Council is already in existence, Henriette Hainisch, granddaughter in law of NCW Austria's founder Marianne Hainisch, its president. Dr. Lore Antoine, boardmember of NCW Austria, participates in the ICW Meeting in Philadelphia, USA.
NCW Austria launches an appeal to political parties to accept more women in positions with good prospects in the lists of candidates for elections - an issue we still have to work on.
NCW Austria is reinstated in the ICW.
50th anniversary of NCW Austria, celebrated with an exhibition on its history and a ceremony with the president of the Federal Republic of Austria.
In the year of the Austrian State Treaty, ending Austria's occupation, NCW Austria is publishing a book "Frauenbilder aus Österreich", 12 biographical essays on outstanding Austrian women.
NCW Austria is hosting the ICW Executive Meeting in Vienna.
NCW is one of the founding members of ECICW, the European Center of the International Council of Women.
NCW Austria welcomes delegates to the 20th ICW Triennial Conference held in Vienna's Hofburg.
Opening of the UN Headquarters in Vienna. Since that date NCW Austria members are representing the ICW at the UN in Vienna.
Under the courageous leadership of Friedl Corcoran NCW Austria is starting a new era after years of a crisis.
The unexpected death of Mrs. Corcoran is raising problems.
NCW board member Eleonore Hauer-Rona becomes ICW Special Representative for Music.
Renovation of NCW's premises. During Austria's EU-Presidency in the second half of the year a number of international conferences is attended by representatives of NCW Austria. NCW Seminar "Juveniles - Victims and Offenders" (a theme dealt with already in 1913 [!] by NCW Austria). Eleonore Hauer - Rona, NCW President, is speaking on Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child during a seminar "The Universal Rights of the Child" organised by NCW France and ICW in Paris.
NCW Austria seminars on "The Future of Ageing" on the occasion of the International Year of Older Persons, "CEDAW and the Optional Protocol", "Women's role in the OSCE" (the Vienna based Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, celebrating in 2000 its 25th anniversary). The NCW President is participating in the seminar of NCW Germany "Women are asked – as persons concerned and activ for Agenda 21". In cooperation with UNDCP (United Nations Drug Control Programme) and the Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs NCW's affiliate "Association of Women Musicians of Vienna" produces especially for the 1999 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which's theme is "Music", the Musical "CRY" composed by a member of this association and pupils of a Viennese school. Representatives of the UN in Vienna and the Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs are attending the most successful Gala Performance.
As an absolute first in NCW Austria’s history a thesis is written on a member organisation: the
1886 founded Club der Wiener Musikerinnen (Association of Women Musicians of Vienna).
At the ICW Triennial Conference held in Helsinki, July 2000, NCW Austria's President is elected Second Vice-President of the ICW. Members of NCW Austria are representing the ICW at the UN in Vienna and at UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation). NCW Austria's President is member of the Austrian UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) Commission's Working Group on the Status of Women and Equality. She also is a member of the Women's Advisory Council set up by the Federal Ministry for Science and Transport.
The NCW Austria President is participating in the session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York as member of the Austrian Government delegation. Active participation in the working groups for the International Year of Volunteers set up by the Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection and the Federal Ministry for the Interior. NCW Austria Seminar “Volunteers – Emotion and Reality”. Lecture by the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and reception for NCW Austria at the Federal Chancellery. Visit by the “Landesverband Saarland” of the NCW Germany.
100th anniversary of the foundation of NCW Austria. The NCW Austria President represents the organization at the ICW Executive Meeting in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
At the ICW Triennial Conference held in Perth, Western Australia, September 2003, NCW Austria’s President, Eleonore Hauer-Rona, is elected ICW First Vice President. This is the highest position ever held by a member of NCW Austria in the 101 years of its history and in the 115 years of existence of ICW. She is also representing ICW at the UN in Vienna. The NCW Austria resolutions on “Women and Drug Abuse” and on “Promotion, Protection and Support of Breastfeeding / Maternity Leave and Breastfeeding” are adopted at the ICW Triennial Conference and are now ICW resolutions. Benefit event “Afghanistan – yesterday and today” with H.R.H. Princess India of Afghanistan at the Völkerkundemuseum, Neue Burg, in Vienna for the Peace School in Tangi Kalay near Kabul (Afghanistan).
ICW-Triennial Conference 2003, Perth
Round Table “CEDAW 2004”. Visits by the ICW President (Singapore), ICW Advisor Youth (NZ), ICW Representative Habitat (NL), ICW Board Member (Dom. Rep.). NCW Austria and ICW Information booths at various fairs and congresses. Participation in working groups of the Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection “The International Year of the Family + 10”. The NCW Austria President speaks on the Protocols to the UN ToC Convention (Trafficking Prot., Smuggling Prot.) at the UNECE Forum “Beijing +10” in Geneva (CH), at the UN in Vienna on “Women and HIV/AIDS”, at the Annual Forum of the Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs on “ICW’s activities related to the International Drug Control Policy in the lead up to 2008”, at the University for Economics Vienna on “From Social to Business Networks”. Charity Concert for “immohumana - Mothers in Need”. Various expert seminars.
100th anniversary of the membership of the “Club der Wiener Musikerinnen” (Association of Women Musicians of Vienna) in NCW Austria. It is the oldest member organization of NCW Austria. The NCW Austria President represents her council at the ICW Executive Meeting in Rabat, Morocco. Tsunami project for NCW Thailand. Visit by members of NCW South Africa. Excursion and seminar “www.WasserWelt und Wein” a drinking water power station working in terms of the Kyoto Protocol targets.
Participation in the ICW General Assembly at Kiev, Ukraine; 120th anniversary of the Club der Wiener Musikerinnen (Association of Women Musicians of Vienna); 50 years Österreichische Hausfrauen Union (Austrian Federation of House-Wives).
Interdisciplinary events, inter alia on "CEDAW 2007" (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) and on "Women and Nutrition".
Public relations work on „90 years women’s voting rights in Austria“ (cooperation in producing a brochure, DVD, postcards etc); Round Table “Women and Nutrition II”.
Summary on national and international activities on “60 years Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 - 2008” – ICW’s role in fighting for Human Rights since its inception in 1888.
Participation in the ICW General Assembly in Johannesburg, South Africa. The NCW Austria President, Eleonore Hauer-Rona, was appointed member of the ICW Committee of Honour.
Events on “Women in Technology”, “Gender Medicine”, “Urban development and energy efficiency housing seen from women’s perspectives”.
Key issues of work: “30 years CEDAW”, “The World of Venus” an international project on the prehistoric finds, “Gender and Youth within UNIDO’s work”, “AIDS, Caring for Women and Children Living with AIDS”, “Human Rights Education”.
Main emphasis on Health, Data Protection and Human Rights; Decoration of Honour in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria for the president of NCW Austria in her capacity as president of the NCW member organization Association of Women Musicians of Vienna.
Festivities on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the NCW Austria.
Focus on “Data protection – between google, YouToube and facebook”, “Cancer treatment using ionbeam therapy”, “Mobile nurses for children”, “Eating disorders”, “Vienna + 20 Advancing the Protection of Human Rights”.
The president of NCW Austria is appointed “Advisor Music” of the International Council of Women.
2014 was for the NCW Austria a year of anniversaries: 100th anniversary of the death of Peace Nobel Prize Laureate Bertha von Suttner, chair of the Peace Commission of the NCW Austria, and 175th anniversary of the birth of NCW Austria’s founder and ICW Honorary Vice President Marianne Hainisch. Besides the work on ongoing actual issues exhibitions on these famous women and their important role in the women’s movement and a wreath laying were held.
The president of the NCW Austria (BOEFV) is elected ICW Advisor Music 2015-2017 at the ICW General Assembly 2015 held in Izmir, Turkey.
The resolution “Women and Palliative Care / Lack of access to Controlled Medicines for the Relief of Pain” introduced by NCW Austria is adopted by the ICW GA 2015.
One more exhibition on Marianne Hainisch.
More exhibitions on Marianne Hainisch - book launch and presentations of „Die Mutter” (The Mother) by Marianne Hainisch (edition libica) - celebrations and exhibition 130 years Club der Wiener Musikerinnen / Association of Women Musicians of Vienna (oldest member organization of NCW Austria) - Gender events - Meetings with female ambassadors of Nordic countries - Preparing for Austria’s chairmanship of the OSCE in 2017 - Intensified cooperation with the ICW.
Book launch “If Ada would have been a man” (Edition TMW; preface by the president of NCW Austria) - Lecture “Gender Equality: The move towards accountability”- Participation in OSCE Conferences under the Austrian chairmanship – Jubilees of NCW Austria member organizations: 95 years Federation of University Women Austria (VAOE) and 20 years MAS Alzheimerhilfe – Documentation and Presentation “Education, the common goal “ 300 years Maria Theresia (school reform for children of both sexes) and 125 years First Grammar school for Girls in Vienna, an initiative by Marianne Hainisch, the founder of NCW Austria.
Symposium Gender Pharmacology; Exhibitions “Kalliope Austria, Women in society, culture and science“; “100 years Women’s Voting Rights” including documentation; Book launch of Rosa Mayreder’s “Aschmedai’s Sonette an den Menschen”(edition libica); Interview for ORF III “Master builder of the Republic”(referring to Marianne and Michael Hainisch); Cooperation with the Vienna Technical Museum “Women’s Gallery”; Presenter at “Human Rights of Older Persons” by the Vienna NGO Committee on Ageing and contributions at the International Conference “Human Rights of Older Persons”; Participation in conferences during the Austrian EU Presidency; ICW General Assembly Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Exhibition “100 years Women’s Voting Rights”
Prolongation of the exhibition „100 years Women’s Voting Rights“ because of great interest also by numerous visitors from abroad; Book launch „Adelheid Popp: Women’s work in the capitalistic society“(edition libica). Presenter at the Symposium „The Journey to Age Equality“ on the occasion oft he UN International Day of Older Persons.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic loss / cancellation of all live events. Intensive contacts and participation in online congresses, conferences and meetings on national and international levels.
Contributions in the ICW-CIF Documentation “Activity Report in response to COVID-19”; In the ICW-CIF Mid-term Reports 2018-2020 articles by Eleonore Hauer-Rona, ICW Main Representative to the UN in Vienna and to the UNIDO; for the Mid-term Standing Committee Report articles on Arts and letters and on Music; Symposium “Eating Disorders in the context of COVID-19”
Festivity on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the foundation of the National Council of Women Austria (NCW Austria). A colourful documentation is available from NCW Austria.